




譯文:Bao Chan Mountain, also known as Hua Mountain, was the place where Tang Dynasty monk Hui Bao first built a residence and later was buried there, hence the name "Bao Chan". Today's Hui Kong Chan Monastery is the house and tomb of Hui Bao. Five miles east of the monastery is Hua Mountain Cave, named because it is on the southern side of Hua Mountain. A hundred steps away from the cave, there is a stone tablet lying on the road, the inscription of which is mostly worn away, only the words "Hua Mountain" are still recognizable.


譯文:The caves are deep and mysterious, and the mountains are towering. The path is winding, with pines and cypresses on both sides. Being there, one feels peaceful and delighted. Along with two or three friends, I rest at the pavilion beside the temple, understanding the gains and losses of life, and appreciating the beautiful scenery of the rivers and mountains. I am so happy that I forget to return, and the beauty is endless. The ancient temple in the mountains is quiet and profound, with monks practicing there, making the mountain even more serene. Looking far into the distance, the towering mountains and peaks covered in clouds are truly stunning. Visiting Bao Chan Mountain is an unforgettable journey.


譯文:We climb the mountain with canes, delving deep into the valleys, passing through winding and twisting stone paths, with the scenery being strange and delightful. The colors change from bright to dark, with light and shadow intertwining, beautiful beyond words. Alas! The joy of mountains and rivers is found here. I visited the monks in the temple and left poems on the wall. Although eroded by time, the characters are still recognizable. This journey also gives me a sense of the ancient style. However, those who visit here must not neglect their own behavior.



  1. 原文:登鸛雀樓,,白日依山盡,,黃河入海流,欲窮千里目,,更上一層樓,。 譯文:登鸛雀樓,白天陽光依偎在山間,,黃河流入大海,,若想看盡千里風(fēng)光,就再登上一層樓,。
  2. 原文:望廬山瀑布,,飛流直下三千尺,疑是銀河落九天,。 譯文:望見廬山瀑布,,水流直瀉三千尺,仿佛銀河從九天墜落。
  3. 原文:登泰山而小天下,,會當(dāng)凌絕頂,,一覽眾山小。 譯文:登上泰山,,覺得天下盡收眼底,,登上絕頂,俯瞰群山,,其他山峰顯得渺小,。
  4. 原文:水光瀲滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇,。 譯文:水面波光粼粼,,晴天格外美麗;山色朦朧,,雨天也顯得奇妙,。
  5. 原文:桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪倫送我情,。 譯文:桃花潭水深達(dá)千尺,,不及汪倫送別時(shí)那份深情。
  6. 原文:獨(dú)在異鄉(xiāng)為異客,,每逢佳節(jié)倍思親,。 譯文:獨(dú)自在他鄉(xiāng)做個(gè)異客,每逢佳節(jié)就更加思念親人,。
  7. 原文:青青園中葵,,朝露待日晞。 譯文:園中青青的葵花,,等待著朝露在陽光下消散,。
  8. 原文:少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲,。 譯文:年輕時(shí)不努力,,到老年時(shí)只會徒增悲傷。
  9. 原文:海內(nèi)存知己,,天涯若比鄰,。 譯文:海內(nèi)有知己,天涯海角也能感受到親近,。
